Sunday, February 5, 2023

Megabyte (ReBoot: Countdown to Chaos) free papercraft / Мегабайт (Повторная загрузка) / из бумаги своими руками

Megabyte [Мегабайт]

Megabyte is a power-hungry, egotistical, and ambitious virus from Mainframe. He is impeccably dignified and sophisticated, however, and always wants to make a good impression, even when he is trying to infect the Super Computer.


🇬🇧 Simple model from PS1 game edited a bit.

🇷🇺 Простая моделька вынутая из игры с PS1 с моими изменениями.


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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Bob (ReBoot: Countdown to Chaos) free papercraft / Боб (Повторная загрузка) / из бумаги своими руками

Bob [Боб]

Bob is a Guardian from the Super Computer. He is formally designated Guardian 452 and is the protector of Mainframe from its various internal and external threats. His Key Tool is named Glitch that he wears on his left wrist.


🇬🇧 Simple model from PS1 game, but without stupid gun. Face is not very accurate, but I don't think it worse spending time to fix it.

🇷🇺 Простая моделька вынутая из игры с PS1, но без дурацкой пушки. Лицо не удалось довести до ума, но уже не хочу время тратить.


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